Softers Has a New Name


Breaking news: Sophie’s new teddy bear Softers has received a new name.  Softers had been adjusting quite well to her new digs and her new friends.  Apparently, however, Softers was not adjusting well to her name.  It just didn’t feel right.  Yes, she’s soft.  But that’s just soooo obvious.  Softers was dying for a unique name.  One that would make fellow stuffed animals exclaim with envy, “What a beautiful name!”

Earlier today, Softers got her wish.  Sophie and I were playing some “Mommy Bear and Baby Bear” (don’t ask) when she finally listened – really listened – to the newest addition to her family.  “I’m changing her name,”  Sophie announced.  We asked her what Softers new name was going to be.

Drumroll please.  “Rosie!” she cried. And in honor of her aunt who gave the cuddly bear up for adoption, Rosie’s new middle name is “Romy.”  Needless to say, everyone is much happier now, including Rosie.

Welcome to the Family, Softers!


Softers, the cute brown teddy bear next to Sophie, is Sophie’s new addition to her stuffed animal family.  Her aunt, upon hearing that Sophie was the caretaker for several dozen “pets,” dug up this adorable creature upon realizing that it would lead a much happier existence among like-minded fake animals than in a linen closet.

Continue reading Welcome to the Family, Softers!

Beyond Cartoons: Watching Grown-Up Movies with Chloe

Chloe and I have been having a couple of good movie months.  I love that she’s now old enough to watch some grown-up films with me.  “The King’s Speech,” “True Grit,” “The Source Code” and “Jane Eyre” are some recent highlights.  Tonight, we’re watching “Inception.”  She won’t understand any of it.  And she’ll be talking the entire time, asking questions to which we won’t have the answers.

Continue reading Beyond Cartoons: Watching Grown-Up Movies with Chloe

Chloe Doesn’t Shut Up


Chloe’s mouth is like the Energizer Bunny on steroids.  Chloe doesn’t shut up.  She just told me that Fergie’s (of the Black Eyed Peas) real name is Stacy Ferguson and that her nickname as a kid was Fergie.  She then offered to scratch my back if I would buy her a song.  I am trying to watch “American Idol,” but she keeps talking and talking and talking.

Continue reading Chloe Doesn’t Shut Up

A Taste of Summer?


I arrived home from work to find the girls in summer clothes, tossing a ball in the front yard with Grammy.  It was easily 80 degrees outside.  We enjoyed the fresh and warm air for a little while, and it put me in a good mood.  Until Chloe and Sophie started yelling at each other.  My mood then dimmed.  And the clouds started rolling in – ominously.

Continue reading A Taste of Summer?

Sophie, Five-Year Old of Leisure


Oh, to be five again.  When you’re five, you get away with a lot of things.  You can eat treats. Set up a cushy corner in the living room to enjoy your goodies.  Make lots of crumbs.  Get yogurt all over your clothes.  Gulp a cup of milk.  Go to the movies with your best friend.  Go to the little kids’ playground after the movie’s over, where you now tower over the toddlers just as the big kids used to tower over you.  Arrive home to enjoy a special night with mom and dad but no sister, who’s at a friend’s sleepover party.  Ride your bike to the local creperie for dinner.  Go to bed, happy as a clam, after reading three more chapters of Junie B. Jones with your mom.  Life sure is great.

A Mom's Ramblings About the Marvels & Mishaps of Parenting, the Joys of Family Travel & the Writing Life