Chloe’s Poetry Homework

Chloe’s poems are a little different and shorter than usual because:
(1) she wrote them for her homework
(2) they had to be based on New Jersey
(3) one had to be a Tanka poem (5-7-5-7-7 syllable format)
(4) one had to be a Haiku poem (5-7-5 syllable format)

Greens, oranges, reds
Leaves floating down from their trees
Piles form on the ground
It slowly starts to get cold
Now there are rocks, snow and ice

Haiku (about hot air balloons)
High up in the air
Silently floating bliss
Wind blows in my face

Pierced Ears!


Last week, Sophie announced that she wanted to get her ears pierced.  She was adamant.  We tried to warn her off, explaining that having holes drilled into one’s ears is painful.  Very painful.  She didn’t care.  She likes earrings and clip-ons hurt her ears.  She begged.  She pleaded.  She told her grammy of her desire to get real earrings.  We told her we’d think about it.

Continue reading Pierced Ears!

Reading Relay

Chloe came home from school today with a notice about “Reading Relay,” a school fundraiser to raise funds for the American Cancer Society.  Kids read books and obtain pledges based on chapters read, pages read or minutes read, or one-time donations.  Chloe thought it would be nice to participate because she just found out that a loved one has been diagnosed with breast cancer.

She went ahead and started soliciting donations from the family, and I am sure that she’s going to read a lot of books over the next 25 days in order to raise a bunch of money for cancer research.  Anyone who knows Chloe knows how determined she is.  Potential donors beware: she estimates that she’s going to read at least 1,200 pages.  And I wager she’s going to read a lot more than that.

“The Robber” by Chloe, Part II

The robber turned around and stared at him. Jake might as well have hit him on the head with a marshmallow for all the good it did. Now, as Jake looked at the man up close, he saw the man had stubbly after-shave. He had beady black eyes that scared Jake. He had a piercing in his nose, and a small gold loop hanging from his ear. There was tattoo of a spider on his arm. Jake’s mom would kill him if he got a tattoo.

Those beady eyes looked at Jake with hatred. They stared at each other for seconds. Jake felt like an idiot. Why hadn’t he thought of the possibility that the robber might not have been affected by the blow? It’s too bad that that idea hadn’t been processed into his list of what-ifs. Then BOOM! As Jake had been wondering about his stupidity in his head, the robber decided it was his chance to punch Jake in the stomach. It hurt. It hurt like crazy. Well, the game was on now. Jake ran at the him, then laid it on him. It became a fist fight and Jake tried his best, but the thief  had an unfair advantage: He was a grown man, a little beefy on top of it, whereas Jake was a skimpy 7th grader.

Jake realized that he was going to get hurt whether he fought this guy or he didn’t. So he figured that he should make the best of his pain, by annoying the man, or injuring him, which would be nice. So Jake taunted him.
“You know, you must have been born on a highway, because that’s where most accidents happen.”  The robber replied with a grunt. Jake tried again: “When you were born something terrible happened.”  The robber seemed to get angry for a second, but still didn’t say anything. Instead Jake got a blow to the stomach. “You’re a person that only people see in nightmares,” well for some reason that ticked the guy off. In reply he said:
“Would you just SHUT UP! You know I’m going easy on you. Think about what would happen if I wasn’t.”
“You’re bluffing.”
“Try me.”
So Jake did. Jake punched and kicked. He managed to get the robber good in the shins, but the man just cursed some words that would have sent Jake straight to his room, had he said them in front of his mother.  Finally the robber got irritated that Jake was still there with only a few bruises. And the robber decided he wasn’t going to play games anymore.
“The only reason I don’t rip you in half, is because I don’t want two of you around.” What the robber said proved to be true. Instead he chose another tactic: Strangling. Jake saw the robber reach out his arms before it happened, but he was a second too late. The robber closed his meaty hands around Jake’s neck, and Jake let out a small cry.
The hands around his neck were cold. He could feel (and sadly smell) the man’s putrid breath. He tried to put up a fight, but instead the hand around his throat got tighter. His face started turning blue. His eyes were popping out. He would surely lose consciousness if the hold around his neck didn’t go.
BAM!! The back door swung open, so hard, it almost flew off its hinges.
“Dad!” Jake tried to yell. The robber was so startled that he let the hold on Jake’s neck loosen, but it was still there. Then Jake’s dad went over to the man and slugged him so that he let go of Jake. After that they got into a fight. They were rolling around on the floor each cursing at each other and saying names that should never be repeated. Jake tried to cheer for his dad, but it’s hard to do after you’ve been strangled. After a few seconds of thought he decided to make himself useful, and call 9-1-1. 
The woman on the other line immediately picked up, and asked what was the matter. Jake muttered five words: “Robber! 422, Jackson Road, help!”  Then he was cut off as the man put a pair of scissors back on the counter. Jake’s dad lunged at the insane man, but missed by about an inch. Then Jake got into the fight too, but after a few seconds, together, he and his dad managed to pin the robber down.
Soon, they heard the annoying sound of police sirens wailing, but for once they didn’t sound so annoying. The policed immediately cuffed the robber and led him to the slammer. Jake hugged his dad, and said thanks. They went inside the car to go to the hospital, because the dad had a broken nose, and Jake needed to have his throat checked out.
When they were officially back home, they saw Jake’s mom sitting on the couch. Her face was as white as a sheet.  They had completely forgotten about her. She must have been worried sick. Jake suddenly felt a little woozy. His mom tried to look mad, but was mostly relieved that they were ok. They ended up doing a group hug. His mom made the roast chicken, and they had a nice dinner. Jake’s mom ruffled his hair and kissed his forehead.
During dinner they relaxed and got prepared to watch their favorite Friday night show. They watched and a guy pulled out his cell. Then Jake remembered:
“So mom how about that cell phone?”
“What do you mean?”
“Just kidding.”
“We’ll talk tomorrow.”

They did end up talking tomorrow. And Jake was able to play with his new phone by the end of the day.

“The Robber” by Chloe (Part I)

The Robber by Chloe, Part I

Jake looked inside his house, hoping to find his mom in the kitchen. But no, that’s not what he found. Instead he found a man, rummaging through the cabinet doors. And the worst part was, it wasn’t his dad, or any other man he knew.

In his head, Jake was freaking out. Of all people a robber came to his house. Life is very unfair. On the bright side though, the man hadn’t seen him, so for now he was still safe. Jake started breathing hard, and he became worried he would hyperventilate. Jake started sweating. He tried to stay calm, but all the calm had drained out of him.
He couldn’t go to his neighbors because he lived at the head of a dead-end street, and the others lived a little farther off. The robber could be gone by the time he came back if he did that. Anyways, the closest neighbor was on vacation. And of course, as much as he had begged his parents, they hadn’t gotten him a cell phone yet. He was officially alone on this one. Once this was done, he was going to have his mom buy him a phone, and after this situation, she can’t refuse anymore.
Jake decided to do the first thing that came to his head: he needed something heavy, but he also had to be able to carry it. So he got his Science textbook, it was pretty heavy so he could possibly whack the man on the head with the book. But, he looked around, to see if there was something better to use. A vase? He weighed it in his hands, comparing it to the book. He decided on the vase.
Now, there were two ways to carry out his plan: 1.) Run inside as fast as he could, and hope the guy didn’t have ninja reflexes ~OR~ 2.) He could go in very quietly, and then sneak up on the man. Jake decided the latter was a better idea.
He went inside barely breathing, and started going through the list of bad what-ifs that come when people get worried. What if he dropped the vase? What if he got hurt? What if the robber stole something? Jake hated those what-ifs. They haunted to him at school too.
As he got closer, he became less scared and worried. Instead his feelings were replaced with anger and annoyance. The man in front of him was going through their private papers and possessions. The man has no right whatsoever to be doing that. So Jake went up to him, more confident than before and brought the book over his head. Then he brought it down. But what happened next did not happen as he had expected. It did not happen the way he had planned at all.

To be continued…

A Mom's Ramblings About the Marvels & Mishaps of Parenting, the Joys of Family Travel & the Writing Life