“The Bat” by Chloe

It seems that Chloe heard the call of my freelance writer pitch after all. She tried to negotiate an extra quarter for her poem, but I stood my ground. If she wanted to me to publish her poem, she’d have to accept one dollar or lose her chance for fame and fortune.


A certain bat lives around here
In the castle to the right
And all the animals cower from him
Whenever he’s in sight
But if you started watching him
You’d notice something queer
That out from the castle
Big, long scary shadows always seem to leer
You might notice this too
That at dawn he disappears
And doesn’t come back ’till dusk
For that’s when he’ll be your worst fear
Eventually something will come out
To scare the life out of you
But there won’t be anyone to hear you shout
’cause that bat was a vampire too
And like all others he likes to suck blood
So he’ll make no exceptions for you.

“My Awesome Grandma” by Chloe

Note to readers:  Chloe had to write a report about a woman in her life who inspires her.  She chose to write about Grammy.

My Grandma (a.k.a. Grammy) is a really inspirational woman in my life. Her real name is Susan. She’s taught me so many things and she is a really amazing person. And in the next few paragraphs, I’ll tell you about her.
Grammy’s number one hobby is art. Her specialty is collages. She makes lots of them and they’re all really cool. Grammy still makes paintings and mixed-media works of art, though. She used to work at a frame shop, but retired a little under a year-and-a-half ago. My grandma also loves to travel.  Last year she went to Turkey, and the year before she went to the Galapagos Islands. My grandma also likes to play scrabble on the computer trying to beat her friends and relatives.
I’ve had lots of personal experiences with my grandma. One of them was when she taught me how to draw and do other arts & crafts. Grammy always plays this game called New York. It’s basically Monopoly except the spaces are based on places in New York. It’s a really fun game and I love to play it. Another awesome thing we do together is go to a place called Ithaca. To get there you have to drive through Pennsylvania; it’s about a four-hour drive from here. We go there every year for two weeks with my sister, too. The first week is for fun and we spend time together doing stuff, the second week I go to camp at Cornell University. The camp has the nicest counselors in the world and would be my favorite camp, if I hadn’t also experienced sleep away camp.
She is really special to me for so many reasons. One of them is that she makes the best French toast in the world. Another reason is that like most grandparents, she gives my sister and me lots of presents. But those aren’t my main reasons. One of my main reasons is that she is really nice. And she cares so much about my sister and me. She takes us on vacation, to plays, to movies, to museums, to parks and so much more. But those are only some of the reasons of why she is special to me.
All in all, my grandma is pretty awesome. She is the best Grandma in the world, and I love her so much. She is special in so many ways. I only gave you a short list of things about her because if I gave you the whole list we’d still be here next year.

A Spring Tease






The weather doesn’t often put a smile on my face, but today nothing could remove the smile plastered on my face.   Not work, not quarreling daughters, nothing.  Two days before the official start of spring, the sun was in full blast mode and the temperature hit a balmy 75 degrees.  After an interminable winter, today served as a reminder to all of us that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.   Sunlight, that is.  And we’re ever so close to seeing much more of it.

Continue reading A Spring Tease

Night With My Girls

Papa is working late tonight.   The girls are in their pjs and we’re getting ready to watch “American Idol” together.  We have some popcorn, too.  I’m looking forward to hanging out with them for an hour and listen to them critique this season’s 13 finalists.  I’m fairly certain that almost all of the contestants are going to choose horrible songs to sing, which should make the evening pretty amusing.

Continue reading Night With My Girls

A Mom's Ramblings About the Marvels & Mishaps of Parenting, the Joys of Family Travel & the Writing Life