***Note to our dear readers: this blog entry was authored by Chloe, with some editing assistance from Mom.
Spring by Chloe
It’s the first weekend in March and spring is just around the corner. The snow is almost gone and I’m hoping against hope that it’s on hiatus until next winter. Chloe kindly agreed to write a poem about spring, to whet our appetites for warmer weather and flowers.
In spring the birds can be seen all around
They are singing their sweet and beautiful sound
The melodies that the birds compose
Are as warm and pretty as the sight of a rose
Flowers are always littered around
Daffodils and Dandelions can always be found
Girls are making daisy crowns,
While the boys are jumping, up and down
Eventually though all this must end
With summer coming just around the bend
Life is Not a Dress Rehearsal
I had lunch today with a friend I hadn’t seen in awhile and we talked about where we were professionally at this stage in our lives, and where we wanted to be in the future. I confided that I’ve been going through a tough time, struggling with the imbalance I currently feel in my life.
Happy Birthday, Papa
Today, my dear old hubby is finally as old as me. Happy birthday, Papa!
There’s a First Time for Everything
Boy, did I mess up this weekend. I took Sophie to a classmate’s birthday party this afternoon, only to find out upon arrival that the festivities took place yesterday. The worst part of it is that my calendar had it right. My increasingly unreliable brain, however, was convinced it was today.
Smiling and Laughing
Sometimes, it’s just the most mundane little moments that make me smile. We were in the car on the way home from dinner, and the annoying commercial for “Kars for Kids” started playing on the radio. It’s annoying because the jingle is one that you just can’t get out of your head and you hear it way too often.
Homage to Lady Gaga
Sophie has made a Model Magic effigy of Lady Gaga. I think the figurine successfully captures the superstar’s essence. And it could be used as a voodoo doll to ward off any un-Gaga like behavior in Sophie’s fellow 5-year old friends and we all know Gaga would probably appreciate sadistic needle pricking coming from 5-year olds.
“You’re poop and pee and fart and booby!”
Strep Again?
We think Chloe has come down with her annual case of strep throat. She started to feel the scratchiness yesterday, and was feeling worse today. My mom had to cut short her day with the girls (no “Gnomeo and Juliet” for them) and Chloe and I waited two hours at the local immedicenter to have a doctor take a throat culture. We’ll know for sure tomorrow whether our suspicions are confirmed.
Chloe the Entrepreneur
If Chloe can do it, I can do it. Take a first look at Chloe’s new business. Top ‘o the line pencil toppers. Skulls, whales, pigs, dogs, cats, roses, suns, gifts, turtles…it’s as simple as model magic and magic marker. And they’re cute, too.