This is it. I’m feeling lucky. $355 million lucky. The Mega Millions drawing is tonight. And I know that when I wake up tomorrow, we’re going to be $355 million richer (ok, about half that after taxes). Especially since I actually bought $5 in tickets this time.
Operation CUB Complete
Chloe did it. On the second day of 2011, Chloe completed Operation CUB, previously described here.
Happy 2011
In celebration of the first day of the new year, I continued Operation Shredder, the arduous task of cleaning my desk area. While Chloe and Papa were at the movies to see “Tron,” Sophie and I went shopping. First to buy Sophie some hot new sneakers to wear to her inaugural tennis class tomorrow, then to the Container Store to buy storage stuff for aforesaid Operation Shredder which, I am happy to report, is now complete.
Ringing in 2011
We were reunited with the girls today. They were apparently extremely well-behaved at their grammy’s house. But they were desperate for our attention after not having seen us in a few days. This led to a little bit of sibling jealousy. Chloe wanted to sit next to me at dinner and Sophie, who usually sits next to me, burst into tears when she realized that the evening’s seating arrangements did not meet her expectations.
Continue reading Ringing in 2011
Atlantic City
In the end, we had fun.
Won a little bit of money playing blackjack, enjoyed some good meals and a walk along the boardwalk, listening to the waves breaking in the distance. It was a restful couple of days. And we still have a few more before returning to the grind of work and school – and I’m grateful for these extra hours, let me tell you.
Vegas or Bust. Bust.
I had hesitated to book the trip to Vegas. But I booked it. And I was really, really excited about it. The big day arrived quickly, and it was finally here this morning. We were scheduled to take an 8AM flight to Sin City. But the snow got in the way. And even though the snow stopped falling early yesterday morning, the airports were still barely functioning this morning. And our flight was just one of the thousands of casualties.
Now That’s a Blizzard!
Winter/Summer by Chloe
Merry Christmas!
Chloe, the Inventor
Chloe has discovered her inner Leonardo da Vinci/Thomas Edison/Alexander Graham Bell. She has invented her very own cardboard bubble gum dispenser. She was dismayed when she saw a real one at the store selling for $40. Smart enough to realize that would be a big fat waste of money (her own money, that is), she decided that there was nothing like resorting to homespun methods in order to get what she wanted.