Papa took a photo of the girls this evening because I miss their faces. As you can see, Sophie has a new, temporary hairdo, thanks to a lice scare at school that impacted her a little too personally, if you get my drift (the good news is that it was caught very early).
Arizona! Sun! Desert!
About 48 hours ago, I was getting ready to leave for the airport. Snow had fallen again, freezing rain was coming down and the roads to Newark were treacherous. Despite these obstacles, the flight came close to leaving on time. But that wasn’t meant to be; instead we had to wait on the tarmac for three hours. I was convinced that we wouldn’t leave the airport, let alone make it to our destination.
Gary, SpongeBob and Mr. Krabs
In keeping with yesterday’s theme, Sophie decided to honor one of her favorite cartoon characters by making a Lego version of him and his friends. Chloe helped with Mr. Krabs. Notice how they’re all holding hands. That’s because Sophie is a loving, cuddly little girl, and in Sophie’s world, everyone hugs and holds hands.
I love my Sophie.
Ode to Sponge Bob by Sophie
Sophie loves “Sponge Bob Squarepants.” This is her ode to him (it’s fairly nonsensical, in a 5-year old “Jabberwocky” kind of way:
More Snow
After an additional nine inches of snow fell last night, the girls had a snow day today. I didn’t have a snow day, because the snow had the nerve to stop by the time we woke up this morning. Not that I would have been able to take a snow day…
I have a feeling that any future photos you see of the girls until March 21 (or whatever the first day of spring is this year) will be in these snow uniforms.
The King’s Speech
I took Chloe to see the rated-R (!) movie “The King’s Speech” today. She really enjoyed it. It was fun to take her to a movie that I actually wanted to see as well.
Chloe Refuses to Cooperate
This is one of those extremely rare evenings where I am feeling relaxed. It’s Friday, I had my weekly manicure and the person who does my nails gave me a nice massage. The inside of my head is as close to being a black hole of nothingness as it ever will be, which makes it difficult to think of a subject for tonight’s blog entry.
Sophie’s Lego City
I suck at Legos. Sophie, on the other hand, is very talented with Legos. When she wants to play Legos with me, I let her do all the work and I am her supplier. I dig through the box and find the color blocks she needs.