Arizona! Sun! Desert!

About 48 hours ago, I was getting ready to leave for the airport.  Snow had fallen again, freezing rain was coming down and the roads to Newark were treacherous.  Despite these obstacles, the flight came close to leaving on time.  But that wasn’t meant to be; instead we had to wait on the tarmac for three hours.  I was convinced that we wouldn’t leave the airport, let alone make it to our destination.

Continue reading Arizona! Sun! Desert!

Ode to Sponge Bob by Sophie

Sophie loves “Sponge Bob Squarepants.”  This is her ode to him (it’s fairly nonsensical, in a 5-year old “Jabberwocky” kind of way:

Sponge Bob
And Patrick
Had a deal
So they peeled
And when peeled
They just gleeled.

Then they went to the animal shelter
To get a new pet that was a snail
The pet was named Gary
When they got Gary
They had a fight
Gary the snail ate more and more.

Chloe Refuses to Cooperate

This is one of those extremely rare evenings where I am feeling relaxed.  It’s Friday, I had my weekly manicure and the person who does my nails gave me a nice massage.  The inside of my head is as close to being a black hole of nothingness as it ever will be, which makes it difficult to think of a subject for tonight’s blog entry.

Continue reading Chloe Refuses to Cooperate

A Mom's Ramblings About the Marvels & Mishaps of Parenting, the Joys of Family Travel & the Writing Life