Jump Roping – Better Late Than Never

A major milestone in Chloe’s childhood.  One I never thought she’d reach.  She hits the double digits and she can finally jump rope.  I filmed this video yesterday, and she was still iffy.  But she immensely improved overnight, and by the time I arrived home from work a little while ago, she had doubled the amount of jumps she could do without tripping over herself.

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And if the Weekly Snowfalls Weren’t Enough…

Ice was this week’s weather event.  Lots of ice.  Everywhere.  Skating rinks on the driveways, on the sidewalks and in the streets.  They closed our office today because the roads were so bad.  But they didn’t close the schools.  I will never understand the rationale behind the school district’s decisions to close the schools, delay opening (which they did today) or leave the schools open.  The roads were treacherous – the town went so far as to issue a warning to residents not to drive, but that message apparently didn’t reach the superintendent of schools.   While we were at the bus stop this morning, a large tree branch came crashing down about 50 feet from where the kids were all waiting.  Close call.

Continue reading And if the Weekly Snowfalls Weren’t Enough…

Happy 10th Birthday, Chloe!


The day has finally arrived.  For the next 89 years, Chloe will need two digits to describe her age.  She has officially started her second decade.  We started the celebration last night, with a trip into New York to see “Wicked” and have dinner at Junior’s (Chloe’s choice; she loves their black & white cookies).  It was great fun.

Continue reading Happy 10th Birthday, Chloe!

Goodbye, Sunny Arizona

I’m enjoying my last hour of beautiful, cloudless blue skies and warm temperatures before hopping into a cab to go to the Phoenix airport.  I understand the temperatures back in NY are supposed to fall into the single digits tonight, that there’s no end in sight to the below-freezing weather and that my front lawn is now home to an additional six inches of snow.

Continue reading Goodbye, Sunny Arizona

A Mom's Ramblings About the Marvels & Mishaps of Parenting, the Joys of Family Travel & the Writing Life