I have no idea what was going through Chloe’s mind when I snapped this photo. But she was obviously thinking very hard about something.
I Want to be Five
Sophie’s best friend from pre-K turned 5 this week, and that makes my little girl a little sad. She wants to be five too. She’s afraid that her friend will start kindergarten before she does.
Shoot me now. This photo does not even begin to convey Sophie’s reaction at McDonald’s yesterday when she saw the display of kids’ meals toys. BARBIE! BARBIE! BARBIE!
Camp Cayuga!
Chloe has been Cayugaed! We attended Camp Cayuga’s open house in the rain today and she’s ready to go. She’s already chosen the bed she wants to sleep in (either the top bunk or one of the single beds in the corner by the door), met up with her pen pal and worn her new Cayuga sweatshirt.
New Camera – Again
Our Nation’s Capital, Day Five
I did it again. Lost our camera. Only 16 months after the last time. There is something seriously wrong with me. Cameraitis, perhaps. And it’s a shame, too. Because yesterday was an absolutely beautiful day and I had some great pictures of the girls at the different presidential memorials. Instead, you’re stuck with a stock photo of the Jefferson Memorial. Sorry.
Washington – Day Four
We visited the Capitol today. Along with a lot of school groups. We had tickets for a general tour that we obtained from our senator, but those tickets did not allow us to visit the actual Senate chamber. All hope was not lost, however. While in the visitor center, we learned that having a non-US citizen spouse can be a very useful thing. We walked up to the Senate appointments desk, mentioned that my husband was French and that I had dual citizenship, and faster than you can say veto, we had four tickets to the Senate gallery. The irony of it had me smiling for most of the rest of the day. The Senate was in session, although they were not debating anything of huge import. Only a few senators were on hand, but I was able to point out a few recognizable faces to Chloe, including Senators Schumer, Kerry (at least I think it was him – he was a little too far away for me to know for sure), Dodd and Franken.
Washington – Day Three
Took a lovely boat ride to Mount Vernon today. What fun! The trip was restful, the weather gorgeous, the grounds beautiful. The boat gave the girls time to relax, so we didn’t have to endure an overwhelming amount of whining or moaning about the amount of walking.
Our Nation’s Capital, Day Two
We decided to forgo the political animals today in favor of the real kind.
Our Nation’s Capital, Day One
Due to chilly and cloudy weather conditions this morning, we made a last-minute decision to ditch the National Zoo (tomorrow’s entertainment, perhaps) in favor of some Smithsonian fun. As it turned out, we did an impressive amount of walking – I’d estimate about 4 miles.