Tag Archives: Goneril

School’s in Session and My Girls Remind Me of Certain Shakespeare Characters

It’s back to reality for Chloe and Sophie.  The lazy days of summer are over, there are no vacations planned any time soon and worst of all (for them, not me), they’re back in school.

For Chloe, 7th grade doesn’t represent much of a change.  She’s lucky enough to have the same core subject teachers as she did last year.  So far, she only has two big gripes (not bad for her).  One, she’s in an elective class that she regrets choosing.  Mind you, she’s only had the class one time so far, but Chloe is not one to take her time forming opinions.  Two, she was placed into a gym class that she can’t stand.  And why can’t she stand it, you ask?  Because it’s “Team Sports” and Chloe and team sports are like oil and water.  They just don’t mix.  I am girding myself for a torrent of verbal diarrhea about her plight this afternoon.

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