With Two Weeks To Go


We have our Christmas tree. And not only do we have it, it’s decorated.

And we decorated it twice because Chloe wanted a chance to put on the “cool” decorations, which we had, according to her, done without her. Which isn’t entirely true. Chloe was in the room with Sophie, Papa and me, but was in one of her tween moods.

The good news is that Chloe still wants to decorate the tree with us. That will likely no longer be the case in a couple of years. We dismantled most of the ornaments so that Chloe could hang the “cool” stuff.

All is good in Chloe’s world again. And our tree is dressed to the nines, a full two weeks before Christmas. Guaranteed we won’t be that ahead of the curve again, at least for another several years.


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