We’re all about communing with nature here at Hilton Head. The alligators are ever-present, lurking in the ponds, keeping a lookout for stray golfballs and eyeing humans with suspicion, as evidenced by the photo of Chloe standing next to one below.
There are also animals of a gentler sort. Take the relative of Bambi below, which Sophie chased around the farm in order to pet and hug.
Not to mention the slugs and snails that came out in small armies when it rained. And the baby palmetto bugs, and the mommies and daddies, too. And we can’t forget the jellyfish whose venom is still wreaking some havoc on Chloe’s knee.
You don’t need a zoo when you live in a place like this.
Tomorrow is our last day here, and we’re hoping for lots of sunshine and a final day at the beach. And maybe some crabs (but absolutely no jellyfish).