No, Sophie didn’t make that pronouncement. Sophie is too classy for that. Chloe – yes my 12-year old, adolescent Chloe – did. She is kind of gross. And messy. And tonight, as she was eating dinner, she lifted her cup of milk in order to take a sip. She brought it up to her lips and somehow missed the cup’s intended target.
Sophie lost her 7th tooth today. Very exciting for her. The bad news is that she can’t find her other six teeth! We have no idea where they are. They didn’t disintegrate and Sophie didn’t eat them. It’s a mystery. Sophie fervently hopes that the tooth fairy knows where they are. She’s written a note to her asking if she’s seen them.
I am sitting on Chloe’s bed, hanging out with her as she cleans, yes cleans, her room. And not only is she cleaning her room, she’s doing so out of her own volition. I did not ask her to do it as I’d given up, waiting to see how long it would take her to get fed up with her pigsty.
The countdown is almost at zero. Seventeen days (13 workdays) until I become a full-time, no office distractions, mom. It’s hard to believe that the day is almost here. I’ve been talking about it for so long that I still sometimes wonder if I really did it. But I did.
Sophie has been battling a bad cold for the last couple of days. She stayed home from school yesterday and missed a special showing of “Oz the Great and Powerful” in the city today. It’s a funny coincidence that the two times she’s been sick since school started in September have resulted in her missing outings to New York.
I learned tonight that Sophie used to think my kisses were magic. She revealed this earlier this evening when she complained to my husband about something that was bothering her. He asked her if she wanted a kiss to make it feel better and she declined his generous offer, remarking that my magic kisses – not his – used to make the boo-boos go away. I certainly don’t recall my kisses having that kind of effect on her. But it’s nice to know my little one thinks they are so special.
Chloe had her annual physical yesterday. Aside from the fact that she can’t touch her toes (this lack of flexibility inherited from her papa) and that it looks like the right side of her back is raised higher than her left (don’t be too alarmed – the doctor isn’t particularly concerned), she’s in tip top shape.
Chloe’s birthday present arrived today and she immediately started to explore the creative possibilities afforded by her new camera.
For a kid who doesn’t yet have formal training, she’s showing promise. Check out her very first photo, taken just outside our house. I love the reflection of the bare tree branches in the puddle. Watch your back, Ansel Adams!
You’ll recall that Chloe’s 12th birthday present was going to be a Lady Gaga concert. We were supposed to go on Saturday and I even reserved a room at the cool Hotel Eventi in the city for the occasion.
No – we are not having a baby. Well, I guess we are. But not a human baby. A puppy baby! In the fall, we will be the lucky adoptive family of an Australian labradoodle puppy from Ivy Lane Labradoodles in Pennsylvania. The parents will be Sophie (which my 7-year old Sophie loves) and Bailey, who are scheduled to do the dirty deed sometime in May/June.