All posts by Pink Me Not Mom

Freaks and Geeks

Thirteen years after its short-lived life on TV, I have rediscovered “Freaks and Geeks,” a fantastic series developed by Paul Feig (of “Bridesmaids” fame) and Judd Apatow, and starring then-unknowns James Franco, Jason Segel, Seth Rogen and Linda Cardellini, among others.

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This walk down memory lane with the kids’ videos has been a blast.  I wanted to post a video that included Chloe tonight, but I just couldn’t resist another Sophie special.  In this clip, we caught her during her cowgirl mode, soon after she turned three in the fall of 2008.  Take note of her precise diction and her pride.  

We filmed her right around the time Nanny died.  I was extremely sad during those difficult weeks, but the girls were always magically able to cheer me up.  Having a little monkey like Sophie in the house was the perfect tonic.