Ok – it may be a little premature. But this one is too good to keep secret until January 1.
I want to read more but the problem is that I don’t have any time. I play after school. My mom/dad reads at night to me. In the morning I watch TV. In the weekend I sometimes go places.
Thirteen years after its short-lived life on TV, I have rediscovered “Freaks and Geeks,” a fantastic series developed by Paul Feig (of “Bridesmaids” fame) and Judd Apatow, and starring then-unknowns James Franco, Jason Segel, Seth Rogen and Linda Cardellini, among others.
It’s hard to believe that there are only 13 more days before the end of the year. It’s been a mighty long year, with lots of highs and lows.
I’m not quite sure where 2012 went. It flew by at a pace I never would have anticipated last January. And yet, here we are, eagerly anticipating the surprises that 2013 will bring.
When I arrived at work yesterday, my team asked me why I was there. I looked at them funny. “What do you mean?” They told me I had a day off marked in the calendar. And then I remembered.
A crazy killer walked into an elementary school today and killed 28 people, including 20 children and his mother. Facebook is teeming with comments from parents wanting nothing more than to hug their children tightly and let them know they love them.
Another video special from the archive, with the playful accompaniment of the Blues Brothers. Chloe, then six, acting silly while her adoring little sister, Sophie, not quite two, looks on in awe (and tries to keep up with her).
Let the year-end festivities begin! We’ve been celebrating Hanukkah and decorated the Christmas tree. Grammy and the girls worked on this year’s gingerbread house, which is a real achievement. The terrific trio has greatly improved their gingerbread house building skills.
Sorry about my melodramatic rant yesterday. After I posted the blog entry, the shit continued. But now that it’s 24 hours later, it all seems a lot funnier than it was last night.
Just when I thought I’d make it through a Friday without a major issue at work, I learned of something that did not make me happy. At all. So, instead of leaving work breathing a sigh of relief that the week was over, I left work frustrated that I’d have yet another problem to deal with on Monday.
This walk down memory lane with the kids’ videos has been a blast. I wanted to post a video that included Chloe tonight, but I just couldn’t resist another Sophie special. In this clip, we caught her during her cowgirl mode, soon after she turned three in the fall of 2008. Take note of her precise diction and her pride.
We filmed her right around the time Nanny died. I was extremely sad during those difficult weeks, but the girls were always magically able to cheer me up. Having a little monkey like Sophie in the house was the perfect tonic.
A Mom's Ramblings About the Marvels & Mishaps of Parenting, the Joys of Family Travel & the Writing Life