All posts by Pink Me Not Mom

Skating Lesson #2

Sophie survived her second ice skating lesson today.  No thanks to me.  After just a few short minutes on the ice, the teacher sought me out because her skates were to big.  So I ran to the rental counter to get her a new pair.  They fit her much better.  Sophie returned to the ice, brave as can be.   Shortly afterwards, the teacher sought me out again because I hadn’t tied her skates tight enough.  Sophie returned to the ice a second time, brave as can be.

Continue reading Skating Lesson #2

Chloe’s Super Interesting Life, Part I

Chloe’s Three Biggest Fails/Highlights of the Past Week – Part I

P.S. This is the extremely talented Chloe writing.

The Soda Can Apocalypse

During lunch, when with a crowded group of people, there will come the time when you knock something over.  For some it goes worse than others, as for me it went worse. When I knocked my friend’s seltzer can over, I went into immediate action mode.

Continue reading Chloe’s Super Interesting Life, Part I

Sophie’s First Ice Skating Lesson

Sophie did it.  She survived her first ice skating lesson.  She fell four times, hurt her butt bone but after 30 minutes was able to make her way – albeit tentatively – across the ice.  The relief on her face every time she successfully navigated 10-20 feet of the slippery stuff was palpable.  In the video below, Sohie is the little one on the left.

Continue reading Sophie’s First Ice Skating Lesson

Santa’s Message to Sophie

Sophie still believes in Santa (or still wants to believe in Santa or wants us to think that she still believes in Santa).  She’s getting a bit more skeptical, but any doubt she might have had going into Christmas 2012 quickly dissipated after watching this video.

You have to hand it to people who think of these silly ideas.  The basic video is free but if you’re so inclined, and have money to waste, you can upgrade to a premium version that offers more personalized bells and whistles.  What a racket.

That said, watching Sophie react to Santa addressing her by name was pretty sweet.