All posts by Pink Me Not Mom


I can’t help but grin.  I’ve been grinning a lot these last few days, as the reality of my impending “retirement” starts to sink in. When I tell colleagues that I’m leaving the firm, I can’t help but smile.  From ear to ear.  I haven’t felt this free in a very long time.

I can’t wait to wake up on Monday, April 1 – my first weekday as a stay at home mom – ironic that it happens to be April Fool’s Day – and not have to rush to get to a desk job.  And just in time for spring. How cool is that?

Grin. Grin. Grin. Grin. Grin.

Sophie’s Family Tree


Sophie and Grammy spent several hours yesterday working on a family tree for school.  Sophie, being Sophie, had very specific concepts in mind. Grammy had her own very specific ideas about how Sophie should design it.  Prior to getting started, I advised Grammy that Sophie was the project leader, not Grammy.  Grammy was to serve as Sophie’s trusty assistant.

Continue reading Sophie’s Family Tree

When We Get Cell Phones

Sophie spent the afternoon with her best friend (we’ll call her ‘E’) from pre-K.  They became fast friends when they were 3-4 years old – E takes very good care of Sophie and has always been sensitive to Sophie’s moods.  E is very energetic and very silly, and has a way of making Sophie burst out laughing with almost every word that comes out of her mouth.

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