My big girl is 12 years old today. I’m still in shock. Where has the time gone?
All posts by Pink Me Not Mom
What Chloe Has to Say About Turning 12
Tomorrow is Chloe’s birthday and it’s hard to believe she will be 12 years old. Sophie and I asked Chloe a series of questions about her upcoming birthday:
How Do You Get Babies?
I told the girls that our friends are pregnant with their fourth kid. Sophie was perplexed. “How’d they get so many kids?” she asked. “Did they go to the store?”
I can’t help but grin. I’ve been grinning a lot these last few days, as the reality of my impending “retirement” starts to sink in. When I tell colleagues that I’m leaving the firm, I can’t help but smile. From ear to ear. I haven’t felt this free in a very long time.
I can’t wait to wake up on Monday, April 1 – my first weekday as a stay at home mom – ironic that it happens to be April Fool’s Day – and not have to rush to get to a desk job. And just in time for spring. How cool is that?
Grin. Grin. Grin. Grin. Grin.
Dear President Obama
Chloe’s recent social studies assignment was to write a letter to President Obama. I hope she gets a response. Here’s what she had to say to him – and those who know my daughter know that she had some pretty strong opinions.
Sophie’s Family Tree
Sophie and Grammy spent several hours yesterday working on a family tree for school. Sophie, being Sophie, had very specific concepts in mind. Grammy had her own very specific ideas about how Sophie should design it. Prior to getting started, I advised Grammy that Sophie was the project leader, not Grammy. Grammy was to serve as Sophie’s trusty assistant.
When We Get Cell Phones
Sophie spent the afternoon with her best friend (we’ll call her ‘E’) from pre-K. They became fast friends when they were 3-4 years old – E takes very good care of Sophie and has always been sensitive to Sophie’s moods. E is very energetic and very silly, and has a way of making Sophie burst out laughing with almost every word that comes out of her mouth.
We’re Not as Nice as We Used to Be
According to Sophie, that is. Who was extremely disappointed in us yesterday for not stocking the freezer with any ice cream she liked. I returned home from a long day in New York to Sophie lying on the kitchen floor in tears, despondent, because “there’s no good ice cream!”
Chloe’s Super Interesting Life, Part 2
The Joy of Being Locked Out of the School
The head teacher blew the whistle to signal recess was over. We all ran to the door and joined the mob of kids going in. Once I was at the top of the stairs, I realized that I had left my lunchbox outside. Dammit. Now I had to go back out.
Sophie On Her Own
Sophie and I went ice skating yesterday so that she’d have some time to practice her technique before her next lesson. The rink was a mob scene. Lots of little tikes low to the ground displaying no fear whatsoever while speeding around the rink like banshees. Lots of adults doing the same thing, but without the same talent.