All posts by Pink Me Not Mom
I spent a couple of hours yesterday sifting through videos of the girls from a few years ago, attempting to cull the garbage from the footage we absolutely must keep.
Chloe. Period.
The subject line says it all. And she’s fine with it and proud of it (always cool to be the first in something among friends) and curious about it.
Sophie and Chloe, I Miss You!
I’m here. I’m not traveling. But I haven’t spent any quality time with Sophie and Chloe (not to mention their Papa) since last weekend. I’ve been working almost nonstop since Sunday evening. Even my sleep has been interrupted by thoughts about everything other than sleep.
Grammy’s Birthday and Sophie’s, Too!
“Do you know what day it is today?” Sophie excitedly asked me when we arrived home this evening. “Sure I do,” I responded, impressed that she remembered her grammy’s birthday.
Spending Time with Family
It’s been a lovely weekend – spending time with family, going to the movies (between the 10 of us on Friday, we saw “Skyfall,” “Lincoln,” “The Rise of the Guardians” and “Sessions”), doing sone local shopping and visiting the Museum of the Moving Image, a gem of a museum in Queens that has a little something for everyone.
What Makes Me Proud
We never got around to going around the dinner table to share what we were thankful for, because we were having too much fun eating.
But in the spirit of keeping Thanksgiving alive even though we stopped stuffing ourselves a couple of hours ago, following are a few of the things I’m thankful for this year (in no particular order).
The Gang’s All Here
Almost everyone, anyway. The rest of the gang will be at my mom’s tomorrow. In the meantime, my aunt and uncle from Ithaca are here and my mom, my brother and my sister-in-law joined us all for dinner.
Fall Leaves
It’s that time of year. It’s not fall if Sophie hasn’t had a go at a leaf pile. Enjoy her antics to the music from the soundtrack of “Les Triplettes de Belleville,” a terrific animated French film by Sylvain Chomet.
Ah, the joys of youth.
Thanksgiving Already?
I don’t know where the time has gone. Another year, another Thanksgiving and before we know it, another Hanukkah, another birthday (I can’t really bear to think about that) and another Christmas.
And in just a few short weeks, I’ll be turning the page on 2012 and greeting 2013 with a mix of happy anticipation and nervous anxiety about whether the new year will bring more of the same or something different.