Sophie is distraught. She has just been confronted with the mortality of the two burp cloths that have served as her security blankets since she was born.
All posts by Pink Me Not Mom
He’s Home!
This week has been a long one. Work is insanely busy, our front door lock called it quits for good and needs to be entirely replaced, and during all of this craziness, my dear husband was sitting pretty in Nashville.
Machu Picchu in May
It’s a done deal. After talking about taking a once in a lifetime trip with mom for what seemed like years, we bought our plane tickets and booked our vacation to Peru for two weeks next May.
Sophie is Unique
Sophie and I had a conversation this morning about how she is unique. Here are some of the defining Sophie characteristics that we came up with:
My Husband, the Seer
Here I was, the day before the hurricane, making fun of my husband for buying a snowblower as a consolation prize when all of the generators were sold out.
Nine Nights and Ten Days
We’re in light and in heat (no pun intended)! And it feels so very good. And warm. And light. And warm and light.
I Was Wrong
It isn’t 48 degrees in the house. It is currently a very mild 52 degrees. My husband and I are under four blankets and wearing many layers of clothes. I am fortunate to have a full head of hair, so am not wearing a hat. But my husband is wearing a hat over his bald head. I took a photo of him but he refuses to allow me to post it because he thinks it’s embarrassing. I think it’s pretty damn hysterical. Hell, I will be wearing socks on my hands to keep warm, since I left my gloves downstairs and it’s too damn cold to retrieve them.
The Post-Hurricane Saga Continues
We’re still at my mom’s apartment. We are still waiting for our power to return. We have officially set a record for consecutive days without power, and that’s saying something.
The Insanity Continues
The house was very cold last night. Didn’t sleep well, which was a good thing. Because in my paranoia, I woke up at 5:30 am deciding I would attempt the same gas line we had left some eight hours earlier. By 6 am I was in the warm car, charging my iPhone and waiting for the gas station to open at 10 am. I was about the 8th car in line.
Hard to Believe It’s Come to This
We are two days post-Frankenstupidstorm and we still have no power (no surprise there). The girls have been staying with my mom who luckily has power. Thanks, mom.