All posts by Pink Me Not Mom

I Was Wrong

It isn’t 48 degrees in the house. It is currently a very mild 52 degrees.  My husband and I are under four blankets and wearing many layers of clothes.  I am fortunate to have a full head of hair, so am not wearing a hat.  But my husband is wearing a hat over his bald head.  I took a photo of him but he refuses to allow me to post it because he thinks it’s embarrassing.  I think it’s pretty damn hysterical. Hell, I will be wearing socks on my hands to keep warm, since I left my gloves downstairs and it’s too damn cold to retrieve them.

Continue reading I Was Wrong

The Insanity Continues

The house was very cold last night.  Didn’t sleep well, which was a good thing.  Because in my paranoia, I woke up at 5:30 am deciding I would attempt the same gas line we had left some eight hours earlier.  By 6 am I was in the warm car, charging my iPhone and waiting for the gas station to open at 10 am.  I was about the 8th car in line.

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