All posts by Pink Me Not Mom

I Love Papa

Papa scored some serious Sophie points today.  He took her to his office for the first time.  And apparently she had a blast.  She drew on the white board (see photo), played on her Nintendo DSi and on the iPad, zoomed around the empty office space on a chair with wheels (and rumor has it Papa joined her zooming around the office on his own chair), went to McDonald’s and drank hot chocolate.

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My Chloe

Chloe graduates from elementary school (5th grade to be exact) on Wednesday.  It’s hard for me to believe that this milestone is upon us.  It’s also hard to believe that schools feel the need to mount an entire ceremony for 11-year olds.  The school even subjected the kids to a rehearsal, no less.  As I’ve stated many times before, children today are way too coddled.

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