All posts by Pink Me Not Mom

Things to Keep Me Up at Night

We had a work outing this evening, and my young co-workers started to list all of the crazy things they did in high school and college (which wasn’t so long ago for them).  Which got me thinking.  About all the things I’m going to worry about as Chloe and Sophie hit the terrible teens.  I don’t think I’m going to get a good night’s sleep for the next 15 years.  Here’s a preliminary list of the top two:

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Dog Envy


I think Sophie really wants a dog.  She has had Temba, her dog cousin, at her side since arriving in Ithaca.  Her constant companion.  Her best bud.  And Temba looks mighty content getting so much attention from his new friend.

Chloe also wants a dog.  But I don’t think Chloe has been able to get any practice time in with little Temba – Sophie doesn’t seem to want to share.  Who could blame her?  That’s one cute dog.

So Very Quiet

After barely enough time to recover from our jet lag, the girls are continuing their summer adventures with Grammy, who took them to Ithaca today for yet another vacation.  Sophie will return next weekend; Chloe will stay on with my aunt and uncle for an additional week so that she can attend day camp at Cornell University.

Following 30+ days of non-stop togetherness, my husband and I suddenly find ourselves alone.  It is eerily quiet in the house, much more so than during the girls’ previous trips without us.  The fact that we spent so much time in one another’s company on a daily basis – for one month no less – makes Chloe’s and Sophie’s absence all the more glaring.

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Home Sweet Sweltering Home

We’re home.  In the span of approximately 10 hours, we went from not having enough clothing in unseasonably cool (read 60º and rainy) Paris to wearing too much clothing in unseasonably sweltering (read 106º and hazy) New Jersey.  That’s got to be the most drastic temperature change I’ve ever experienced, with our ascent of Mont Blanc coming in a close second.

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Au Revoir, Paris

Not to be outdone by yesterday’s adventure, I was determined to make our last day in Paris count.  We were out and about for 10 hours.  Below is the route we took today.  Again, click on the link below to see the entire map.  We walked about five miles.

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The “Grands Magasins”…Ad Nauseum

How many people do you think would spend an entire day shopping in Paris, only to come home with absolutely nothing?  If you answered “none,” you’re wrong.  The correct response is actually two, now that Chloe and I have returned home from a day of failing to find things to buy – for her in particular. I saw a bag that I almost bought, but got cold feet.  I may have to rectify that tomorrow.

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Parc Asterix

In a continued effort to expose Chloe and Sophie to as much French culture (both popular and otherwise) as possible, we took the girls to the epitome of French amusement parks, Parc Asterix, today.  We made a concerted effort to stay away from the amusement park that shall remain nameless, because when in Rome…or more accurately as far as the comic strip on which the park is based goes, when in Gaul, do as the Gauls do.

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