Macaroni Song

I have no idea what any of this song means, but Sophie learned it on the school bus and sings it frequently.  It’s about macaroni and bunnies, and I don’t know what else.  And she’s not quite certain of the words at the end.  But boy, she sure is working it.  A born choreographer.

That said, I am confident that this is one of those moments she’ll want to revisit in about 15 years.

Skull Earrings, Part II

Chloe showing off her new skull earrings at school turned out to be a completely anticlimactic affair.   When I arrived home this evening, the first thing Chloe said to me was, “Mom, nobody even noticed my earrings!”  The principal didn’t notice, the assistant principal didn’t notice, her teachers didn’t notice and her classmates didn’t notice.  Her friend really liked them, though.

Continue reading Skull Earrings, Part II

Happy Thanksgiving

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.  Thanksgiving is by far my favorite holiday.   There’s no religion, no ceremony.  Just family reuniting around a large table eating a lot of food, and enjoying each other’s company and each other’s differing views.  On this particular occasion, there was also a little more excitement than usual:  police activity (including helicopters and boats) in and around the Hudson that had us all frantically using binoculars and checking our iPhones, blackberries and laptops to find out what the hell was happening (rumor has it that it was a poor lost soul who decided to take a jump from the bridge – a stark reminder that times are still tough for many people).

Continue reading Happy Thanksgiving

A Mom's Ramblings About the Marvels & Mishaps of Parenting, the Joys of Family Travel & the Writing Life