Silent Sophie Dancing

One day, Sophie will watch this video and laugh.  She always dances so dramatically.  I think that in this particular interpretation, she’s channeling a princess whose prince has tragically turned into a toad.  Or something like that.

Sophie has absolutely no interest in taking classes, but boy does she love to dance.  Makes me wonder where she’ll be when she’s older.  Will she still like to dance?  Will she still have a good ear?  Will she try out for some televised dance show?  Will she ever perform in public?  She’s such a girly girl!

Chloe’s Prediction for 2025: Awesome!

I will be awesome, that’s all I have to say 🙂
Gotta love a  9-year old with such self-confidence.  There’s not much more one can say after such a bold statement.  ‘Awesome’ is one of Chloe’s favorite words, especially when describing herself.  Her new absolute favorite word is ‘shish-kebob.’  According to Chloe, the word ‘shish-kebob’ is about as awesome as she is.  Apparently Jane from this season of “Survivor” is also awesome – she’s the oldest woman on the tribe, and one of the strongest.   The reason ‘awesome’ is one of Chloe’s most frequently used adjectives is because the word ‘cool’ is “lame.”  Despite the fact that her mother uses the word ‘cool’ all the time, Chloe thinks it’s a childish word and extremely uncool.  To be a kid again…


Sophie’s a Poet, Too!

Here’s Sophie’s first official poem:

A cat was on a mat
The mat was on a bat
The bat was on a rat
And the rat was on a mat!
by Sophie

And now we have a sibling duet full of nonsense:

Dad is awesome
But now he’s on a trip
And when he went
He went by ship
And when he was on the ship
He saw some sharks
And to make the sharks go away
He decided to make some farts
And when he farted
He ate a juicy, juicy apple
Which he married
In the ship’s chapel
While he ate the apple
He found a worm
And then he ate the worm

Which made a squirm
by Sophie & Chloe

A Mom's Ramblings About the Marvels & Mishaps of Parenting, the Joys of Family Travel & the Writing Life