Tag Archives: Ides of March

The Week is Almost Over

And I’m so glad.  These days, it seems like I’m constantly counting the hours until the weekend. And the countdown generally starts as soon as I go to bed on Sunday night.  At least the stock market is on a roll.  Three days of gains in a row.  I’d forgotten what that was like.

And Tiger Woods is playing golf again.  I hope he’ll still be around this weekend so I can enjoy watching him on our new TV!  Which should be delivered tomorrow.  “Yippee yay!” as little Sophie would say. 
The Ides of March are approaching, which means that the year is almost a quarter of the way over.  And tomorrow is our second Friday the 13th in a row.  That’s a pretty rare occurrence.  I’m not particularly superstitious, but when you think about it, it’s not bad timing, considering the crappy year we’ve had so far.