Category Archives: Treasures from the Archives
Three Days Into the School Year
Sophie seems to be adjusting well. She’s making some friends, I think, although she can’t remember their names. She hasn’t yet had any homework, but she has a nice sturdy homework folder. We haven’t had to buy supplies for her, either.
First Day of School
In keeping with the theme of yesterday’s post, today was our last first day of kindergarten. It’s funny – I was quite excited about Sophie starting kindergarten – up until I left her in the classroom this morning.
Kindergarten Countdown
In two days, Sophie starts her elementary school education. She’s nervous. Whenever the subject is mentioned, she her big brown eyes open wide and hunches her shoulders to convey her anxiety.
I Miss Vacation
But it’s the weekend so that compensates for the longing I feel inside me. Oh vacation, where have you gone?
One Big Happy Family…
…except when we’re not. As I write this, I have Sophie on my left and Chloe on my right. They are having a pitched battle about I don’t even know what.
According to Chloe, Sophie always acts all nice and cuddly whenever Chloe is upset with us. Chloe calls Sophie a “KISSUP.” Of course, what she really means is kiss***. Chloe claims that her sister is manipulative. Which she is. But that’s like the pot calling the kettle black. The two sisters are simply manipulative in different ways.
It’s amazing how quickly things devolve from love and kisses all around to screams and whining and hitting. On a nightly basis. If my brother and I were the same way (or worse), I owe my mom a huge apology. Sorry, mom!
Bazooka Bubble Gum!
This was Sophie’s theme song during the final days of our vacation. She apparently learned the little ditty at camp and is very proud of her performance. She’s done it for everyone she knows who’s been lucky enough to cross her path. She even taught her jaded older sister how to sing it.
I return to work tomorrow. And when I start to feel nostalgic for vacation and the fun times we had together, I’ll just think about Sophie’s Bazooka song and Chloe’s boogie boarding, and the work won’t feel as daunting anymore (ok, maybe it will, but I’m trying to remain optimistic here)…
Boogie Board!
Tennis, Anyone?
Until today, I hadn’t played tennis since 2000, when my husband and I went to Negril, Jamaica and he threw out his back trying to keep up with my stellar game.
We Made It!
We left at 4:15 pm yesterday. The only traffic we encountered was in New Jersey. What a surprise. Arrived in Richmond, VA at 10:30 pm last night. We had a bad night’s sleep at a Holiday Inn and hit the road again this morning at 8:55 am. We arrived at Hilton Head at 5 pm, after driving a total of 815 miles.