Just a few short hours to go. A morning of work to contend with tomorrow, and with a bit of luck and good planning, we should be on the road to Hilton Head by early afternoon.
Do You Want Me to Starve?
Sophie is cranky. She’s decided that we eat fish too frequently (totally not true – we don’t eat enough fish) and that it wasn’t fair to make her eat fish AGAIN tonight.
Jumping for Joy, Part II
First it was Sophie‘s turn. Chloe, over to you!
Jumping for Joy, Part I
Trouble Ahead, Uncle James
Sophie is extremely excited that her uncle is going to be joining us on vacation. Because for one whole week, she will be able to torture him, as only a six-year can do. She has all sorts of fun up her sleeves.
Consider yourself warned, my only sibling. You may not emerge from your week with us in one piece. Sophie’s exclamation earlier today, after she remembered that she was going to be seeing her uncle in just a few days: “Oooh! I can’t wait to see Uncle James. I’m going to bug him! I’m going to poke, poke, poke him!”
How does one prepare for such an onslaught? Drugs, my dear brother, drugs.
Eat Your Heart Out, Julia Child!
I wasn’t sure what to think when Chloe expressed a desire to learn how to cook. Was I hopeful? Yes. Was I shocked, given her lineage? Yes. Was I skeptical? Hell, yes. Much to my surprise and delight, however, Chloe has been cooking.
Chloe Won’t Write This Blog Post For Me
Remember the days when Chloe used to regale readers of this blog with poetry and short stories? Those days are long gone, apparently.
Countdown to Vacation and Other Miscellaneous Thoughts
Eleven days and counting. I’m very much looking forward to the R&R, even if I have to work during a portion of our time away. A change in scenery and the peacefulness of the ocean are just the ingredients I need right now.
Continue reading Countdown to Vacation and Other Miscellaneous Thoughts
The Girls Are Home
After a great week in Ithaca and serious bonding with Temba, the dog, Chloe and Sophie are home and happy. And we’re happy, too.
Sophie Conquers the Waterfall
Sophie loved the waterfall. She communed with it earlier today and swam with Chloe in the cold water. All while Papa and I were stuck in our offices, staring at our computers. Am I just a little bit jealous? Never.