We’re Almost There!

We’ll be arriving in Geneva in about four hours.  Our flight left the gate on time, but was then delayed for almost two hours on the tarmac because of stormy weather and simply because JFK Airport is JFK Airport, which really aspires to be a small town airfield in the middle of nowhere, with only a single operating runway.  Seriously.  But who am I to complain?  I’m on vacation.  After all, we did finally take off.

Continue reading We’re Almost There!

“I’m Waiting for Santa”

We had our chimney cleaned today and also removed the heinous 70s-looking screen that was attached to the wall.  Sophie was intrigued by the suddenly visible interior.  I found her plopped down in front of it, legs criss-crossed apple sauce (sort of like Carol Anne sitting mesmerized in front of the TV in “Poltergeist”).

Continue reading “I’m Waiting for Santa”

It’s Hot! by Chloe

The heat is tremendous,
With waves so ravenous,
Most would probably go inside,
But no, not me, not me I say
‘Cause I was still alive

Now sure, the AC may have felt good,
But I was tough and strong!
The longer I stood,
I started to think,
That I had been sitting on the sidewalk too long

By now I was hot,
Burning I tell you!
I wish they had put me in the pot!
Of course, they forgot,
I wish this was not,
And now I was starting to cook quite a lot

I wish this was a joke,
I wish someone was pulling my leg
I was almost done (‘cept for a bit of the yolk)
I really hate being an egg!

One More Week!

At this time next week, we will be flying Swiss Air on our way to France.  After all the planning, it’s hard to believe that we’ll finally be packing our bags this weekend.  I cannot wait to be in Europe again – after a five-year hiatus, I feel a little like I’m returning home.

Continue reading One More Week!

My Face is Really, Really Dry

Sophie smells like Lubriderm.  Sophie takes after her Nanny Estelle, who had wonderful skin even as a great-grandmother.  Nanny died a few years ago, but Sophie was lucky enough to spend a little bit of time with her as a baby.  And some of Nanny’s good habits must have rubbed off on her, including the importance of keeping one’s skin hydrated.

Continue reading My Face is Really, Really Dry

Justin Bieber and His Girlfriend Got Sex

As five-year old Sophie was getting ready for bed this evening, she announced with great fanfare and a giggle that “Justin Bieber and his girlfriend got sex!”  Five-year old Sophie.  A friend on the school bus shared that fascinating tidbit with my little monster the other day.  Thanks, Sophie’s friend.  Thanks a lot.

When I asked Sophie if she knew what she was talking about, she guffawed some more and replied that Justin and his girlfriend “got undressed and naked and stuff.”  She then informed me that “they are now broken up, but they still got sex afterwards.”  That’s a relief.  I feel so much better now.

Frankly, I wouldn’t be surprised if she came home tomorrow giving me the latest on Anthony Weiner’s weiner.  Really.  Not surprised at all.

France in Thirteen

After months of planning, our trip to France is just around the corner – 13 days to be exact.  At this time in two weeks, the four of us will be attempting a first night’s sleep in our rented apartment in Annecy.  The anticipation is increasing by the minute and the plans are finally coming together.  Almost five years since our last visit to France.

Continue reading France in Thirteen

A Mom's Ramblings About the Marvels & Mishaps of Parenting, the Joys of Family Travel & the Writing Life